Study In Denmark


The dynamic learning atmosphere and high calibre of instruction at Danish universities are well-known. Danish institutions pride themselves on having a strong problem-based learning approach that encourages students to come up with their ideas and develop creative thinking. 

Interesting Facts About Denmark:

  • Scandinavian region of the world 
  • 1,280,371 are located in Copenhagen (2016) 
  • Dimensions: 43,560 square kilometres 
  • 5.707 million people (2016) 
  • A temperate environment with chilly summers and mild winters can be found there. 
  • Danish, Faroese, Greenlandic, and German are the official languages. 
  • Constitutional monarchy is the governing form. 
  • Other significant cities are Aalborg (122.194), Aarhus (264.716), and Odense (175.245)
  • Money: Danish Kroner dialing code +45 for the nation 
  • 1 944 billion Danish Kroner in GDP (2014) 
  • Key industries: windmills, medicines, furniture and design, equipment and instruments, and food and beverage 
  • Important businesses, including Miller-Maersk, Novo Nordisk, Carlsberg, TDC, and Coloplast Membership in organizations such as the UN, OECD, EU, NATO, Schengen, OSCE, IMF, and WTO. 

Why Denmark?

Top rated universities

Large number of Internationally oriented study programs

Excellent academic collaborations

Special orientation programmes

Excellent social life

Happiest country in the world

An open minded population with global outlook

Excellent transportation infrastructure

Why Denmark?

Top rated universities

Excellent social life

Excellent academic collaborations

Excellent transportation infrastructure

An open minded population with global outlook

Special orientation programmes

Happiest country in the world

Large number of Internationally oriented study programs

Denmark's Higher Education Sector Includes

  • Artistic Higher Education Institutions (research and/or artistically based undergraduate and postgraduate programmes)
  • Universities (research-based undergraduate and postgraduate programmes)
  • University Colleges (Academy Profession and professional Bachelor’s programmes)
  • Business Academies (short-cycle higher education institutions offering Academy Profession and joint Bachelor’s degree programmes)
  • Adult education. The opportunities for lifelong learning in terms of adult education are many. They are offered at all levels. Individual courses are also offered under the Act on Open Education, either at college or university

General Eligibility Criteria

Bachelor programmes

  • An entrance examination comparable to a Danish upper secondary school leaving certificate
  • Proof of proficiency in English (Certain study programmes have additional admission requirements)
  • Master programmes
  • An internationally recognized Bachelors degree of good standard or equivalent
  • Proof of proficiency in English
  • Cost of living – approximate: 4000 – 5000 DKK /month (630-780 $)
  • Food & transportation – 1750 DKK / month ( 280 $ ) (* May vary according to the lifestyle of the student)


  • September

Part Time Work Rights

  • 20hrs/week and full time during vacation

Post Study Work VISA Rights

  • 6 Months

Enquiry Form