Study In Germany


The prospect of attending a university in Germany is indeed promising. Young foreign students have the best opportunity to explore their areas of interest because the nation places a greater emphasis on education combined with research and science. Germany’s educational institutions train students in English and provide both practical and theoretical information, ensuring that they are well-versed in their subject. Along with inexpensive tuition, the nation offers scholarships. 

Foreign students are permitted to live independently and fearlessly in Germany thanks to rules that prohibit racial discrimination. Germany offers each student the chance to develop into a better professional in addition to high-quality education. The majority of well-known businesses across a variety of industries hold job recruitment sessions. 

Interesting Facts About Germany:

  • Identity: The German  Federal Republic. 
  • German capital: Berlin (3,440,441 pop.) (4,429,847 metro) 
  • Germany 81,147,265 (2013 est.) people. 
  • Ethnicity: Turkish 2.4%, other 6.1%, German 91.5%, (made up largely of Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish) 
  • $39,100 is the GDP per person (2012 EST.) 
  • German is a language. 
  • Religion: 34% Protestants, 34% Roman Catholics, 3.7% Muslims, and 28.3% of other or unaffiliated people. 

Why Germany?

Safe country to live and study

World class degrees recognized around the world

Diverse range of study opportunities

17,500 degree programmes offered

Scientifically oriented study in a wide range of disciplines.

Safe country to live and study

World class degrees recognized around the world

Diverse range of study opportunities

Ample number of scholarships on offer

17,500 degree programmes offered

Lowest tuitions fees

Scientifically oriented study in a wide range of disciplines.

Lowest tuitions fees

Ample number of scholarships on offer

Education System

Higher education in Germany are divided into

  • Universities
  • Universities of ‘Applied Sciences’
  • Colleges of Art and Music
  • The entire system in Germany totals nearly 400 higher education institutions, with roughly 120 universities
  • 189 universities of public administrative sciences
  • 50 art colleges.

Cost Of Studying

  • A public university- from no fees to 500 to 1000 euro/ sem
  • Private universities- 5000 euro to 7000 euro/ sem

Cost Of Living

  • 10236 Euros for first year


  • Summer- March/ April
  • 10236 Euros for first year
  • Winter- Sep/oct
  • Certain private universities – feb/may/june in addition to above intakes.

Work Rights & Stay Back

  • 240 days part time or 120 days full time in a year .Students can work for more hours subject to approval from foreign authority
  • 18 months stayback
  • 20 hr/week(during class timings)
  • 40 hr/week(vacations)

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